The examiner was very kind

The examiner was very kind

Manuela (female )


Kat. B (Auto)


Strassenverkehrsamt des Kantons Solothurn


Bestanden am 2022-09-05 beim 1 versuch nach 52 fahrstunden



Fairness des Experten:



I had to take several roundabouts, and a main road through the forest (which was on construction, so 50 km/h instead of 80) ; emergency stop, and then driving through a neighborhood and parallel parking.Then driving on the highway, taking a main road in the city with roundabouts and finally 90 degrees reverse parking.In the main road through the forest there was a kid on a bike that I didn't feel safe overtaking ; I didn't see a right of way (rechtsvortritt) until the examiner pointed it out, and I then corrected. When parked, I explained what I would have done in different parking places. In the final parking exercise, I parked on 2 fields on first try, and then corrected it on the first correction. During the driving, I was saying out loud everything I had to do (the speed, the right of way, if I was stressed, etc.). I looked all around and was very aware of my surroundings, which the examiner praised.The examiner was very kind and commented that, though I should have seen the right of way, he could see it wasn't something I did usually, but possibly because I was nervous, which is why he agreed to pass me for the test. Everything else was very well

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